Welcome to paradise.

Isla Paradiso, home to those who wander. Inspired from one of the place visualization in life simulation video games series, The Sims, Isla Paradiso RP aims to create a relaxing yet adventurous place for everyone to live in.

As a closed agency, Isla Paradiso offers places for you to explore and develop your characters further with new people you can meet and declare as friends and family. Experience the warm interaction in this archipelago of islands surrounded by tranquil seas.

Isla Paradiso is built with the hope of creating a home where meeting friends and family after a long day become the strength for you to get through the day.

There will be some light activities to recharge your energy. While every month, there will be various adventures awaiting us.

Where will your adventures take you?

01. Agency

  • We are a +62 based closed agency.

  • Limited to 40 citizens only; 20 males and 20 females.

  • Accepting OC roleplayers ONLY. No general roleplayers (Idolverse!Roleplayers) allowed.

  • Accepting All Star face claims. (Koreans, Westerns, you name it.)

02. Account

  • Username format is your OC name without any additional word. Please make it as readable as possible.

  • Put Isla Del Paraíso on your location. We will be checking!

  • Only accepting ACTIVE ACCOUNT with stated profile and background story without excessive amount of mun!talks. 

  • No twins (same face claim) unless your muse/face claim has one. No bots, openfollows, et cetera. 

  • Changes regarding character information/face claim can only be done TWICE or every monthly reregistration and can only be done after two weeks of Verification.

  • You are prohibited to change any information of you character (faceclaim/name/storyline/etc) during Isla Registration Week.

  • Temporary Swap Faceclaim allowed for a day (24 hours maximum) once a week and it's prohibited during Events.

  • Notifying base for any Faceclaim changes (temporary/permanent) is a mandatory.

  • Following numbers limited to 110 per account included the members and base account.

03. Timeline

  • Limit your OOC!talks rants, and whatnot. 

  • Quoting outsider is highly prohibited as we are a Closed Agency.

  • No dramas allowed unless they are in the form of plots. 

  • Timeline PG13, no retweeting, quoting or liking explicit content allowed as it might appear on the timeline.

  • No language restrictions but vulgar/explicit/strong profanity words are strongly prohibited.

  • No retweeting about your faceclaim, being a face chaser and any fangirling/fanboying act. Please keep it to yourself.

  • Being an activity moderator or is not a mandatory. However, if you want to mod a game or any other activities you have to inform the Base.

  • No mention hour (NMH) is tentative during certain activities/events of the agency please stay updated at base account.

  • During NMH members are prohibited to retweet off topic tweets. The members are encouraged to minimize interaction with outsider.

  • No reunion, inside jokes or talking about your previous agencies/circles on timeline explicitly. Please consider the others that were not part of your past.

  • No tweeting (including mentioning and quoting) something that indicates you are looking for another agency or joining another agency while you are still part of Isla Paradiso RP. Let's appreciate each others, shall we?

  • Try your best in mingling with others. We would be upset if you are joining only to group up with your cliques. If you are having troubles in befriending your neighbours, tell us! We will help you.

04. Activity


  • Three days in a row of inactivity will directly lead you to an unverification. A day of inactivity after verification will also directly lead you to an unverification. 

  • Max. days for hiatus is 3 days and Semi Hiatus is 7 days (with few tweets in between semi hiatus).

  • Hiatus(es) can only be taken after three days of verification. Tell the office if you are going to take a hiatus and please provide us a reason.

  • You are not eligible to take hiatus or semi hiatus if you have not been interacting with Islander for 2 days or more.

  • If you don't come back at the exact time, we will unverify you. A warning will be sent to you once the hiatus/semi hiatus ends and you will be unverified 12 hours after the warning if there is no reply.

  • Deactivating your account during hiatus is HIGHLY PROHIBITED and will automatically lead to an unverification.

  • Account Deactivation only valid when an error occurred on someone's account and after being discussed and permitted by The Admins.

  • Your hiatus can be extended, discuss it personally (through DMs) in the office.

05. Penalty

  • A warning will be given to those who breaking the rules. 2 times maximum before deportation.

  • The Agency has the right to deport or decline the re-registration form of those who has violated rules multiple times.

  • One Time Chance; Islander who has violated rules multiple times could get one last chance to join the phase under supervision of The Admins and will be reviewed whether they could continue to be part of Isla Paradiso RP or not.

  • Any form of rules’ violation that has stated above would be taken seriously by the agency and it will lead to unverification.

If you're sure, a hundred percent, that you're going to abide to the rules, do head onto the next page by clicking the provided link: How To Join

  • Our public registration and member reregistration will only commence once a month.

  • Make sure you read and UNDERSTAND all of the rules before joining us. 

  • Check the availability of your character from our member list of citizens. (Updated before registration week opened)

  • Make your account tidy with a clear profile and background story. No need to be fancy, at least it includes some basic information about your character.

  • Once all is done, we will read your answer and check your account thoroughly to make sure it matches the requirements we have provided. You will then receive a notification if you are accepted.

taken, wishlist


Alexander Ilham Tahir as Onyx

Onyx focuses and directs your energy toward your goals, helping you stay the course. It can help you rebuild your vitality after period of depletion, and is useful for work that requires disciplined focus and perseverance.

Onyx's characteristic applies to Alexander's personality in term of focus and perseverance as Alexander works as Event Planner at Isla Paradiso.

Mandala Rizqi Tahir as JET

Jet is a powerful protection and purification stone. It will help keep you grounded, purify your energy, and protect you from any negative or malicious energy you may encounter. If you are stuck in a situation in your life where you suspect you are hiding from reality because it is too overwhelming to face the truth, Mandala as Jet can provide gentle support to get clear on your own boundaries and find your power in the situation.

Ultimately, he helps you integrate the lessons of the experience and brings new visions from different perspective so you can move forward.

Reyhan Panji Tahir as JASPER

Jasper is a stone of grounding and stability, providing comfort and security, strength and healing. However, one of the most common interpretations of this stone and its energies related to its remarkable ability to bring a sense of peace, patience and understanding to all with whom it connects.

Reyhan as Jasper has classically been treasured for his abilities in keeping the peace as much as its appearance and element of prestige.

Saras Merliana Tahir as JADE

Jade is a symbol of purity and serenity. It increases love and nurturing. A protective stone, Saras as Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony.

Jade attracts good luck and friendship. She stabilises the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts.